Myrgan Wood Invitational Tournament – Sunday, November 19th. Come shoot with us!
Category: Past Events
November Business Meeting Potluck – November 22nd
Come participate in the wheel-turning of our barony. All are welcome to our quarterly potluck!
Myrgan Wood Invitational Tournament
Join us for another fun-filled, challenging, archery extravaganza!
Demo/Fight Practice – Saturday, September 23rd
Calling all medieval culture enthusiasts! On Saturday, September 23rd, the Museum of Antiquities will be teaming up with the Vatnheim Vikings, the Barony of Myrgan Wood, and Saskatoon Historical Fencing for an afternoon of games, crafts, combat, and sensational stories fit for the whole family. The event will take place from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.… Continue reading Demo/Fight Practice – Saturday, September 23rd
Myrgan Wood Invitational Tournament and Demo
Come out to the Myrgan Wood Invitational Tournament and Demo on Aug 27, 2023!
Myrgan Wood Anniversary – 2023
Saturday, October 7th! Celebrate with Myrgan Wood in this fun fall social of contests and court (and much, much more!)
Myrgan Wood Summer Championships 2023
Join us on July 7th – 9th, 2023, for the Myrgan Wood Summer Championships at the Quad War Site!
Myrgan Wood Entertainment Expo Demo May 5th-7th
Saskatoon Entertainment Expo will have Myrgan Wood demonstration activities Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
Myrgan Wood Invitational Tournament and Demo
Come out to the Myrgan Wood Invitational Tournament and Demo on June 18th, 2023!
Skald the Hall 2023
The Barony of Myrgan Wood’s Bardic Championship and the legendary Bard off, March 4th 2023!