Baronial Events – upcoming and recent

Upcoming Events:

  • Skald the Hall
    Skald the Hall, happening Saturday, March 1st at the Sutherland Hall in Saskatoon. Check out the official event page for the most up to date information! This event includes Myrgan Wood’s Bardic Championship and Youth Championship. It features a feast and a tavern!
  • Myrgan Wood Christmas Tavern
    Kick off the new year with a continuance of cheer! ~ Saturday, January 11th, 2025 ~ Noon-8pm ~ Emmanuel Baptist Church ~ 1636 Acadia Drive, Saskatoon ~~ Myrgan Wood celebrates the season with a pot luck, gift giving, and a visit from San-taka!!! Check out the official page for the most up to date information!

Past Events:

  • MWIT November Edition Cancelled Due To Weather
    There will be no MWIT on Sunday. Please stay safe if on the roads.
  • Myrgan Wood Business/Event Meeting
    On Sunday, November 24th the barony of Myrgan Wood will be holding an in-person business meeting. Please join us from 2:00pm-4:00pm at Emmanuel Baptist Church. Everyone is encouraged to attend, as we look forward to planning out our 2025 events and activities. Please bring your suggestions, ideas, and feedback. If you are unable to attend, we encourage you to send your ideas by emailing We look forward to seeing you!
  • Anniversary Volunteers
    Anniversary is in one week and ambitiously fun events don’t succeed without help. If you’re attending and you’ve got the energy to contribute, please consider signing up for a Gate Shift with this sign-up sheet. Stewards are seeking volunteers to set up and take down the event. Guard shifts can be applied to here. Tavern is also seeking volunteers to libate the masses. Volunteer here! Reach out to Event Steward Haskul at if you are interested! Thank you, and we look forward to partying with you soon!
  • MWIT September 2024
    Join us on Sunday, September 22nd in Vanscoy for a fun, challenging archery competition.
  • Medieval Times Demo – Volunteers Needed
    Myrgan Wood has been invited to the University of Saskatchewan’s Museum of Antiquities Medieval Times! We need you to make this the best event it can be!

Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions.
If you are subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied,
contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.
Per the Society Seneschal July 17, 2017