Saskatoon, Prince Albert, North Battleford and surrounding areas, sharing land with Treaties 4, 5, 6 & 10 within SK, and Traditional homeland of the Metis.

Weekly Meetings:

  • Arts and Fight Practice



    Emmanuel Baptist Church
    1636 Acadia Drive, Saskatoon
    6:30 pm – 9 pm
    *use the back door at the church. It is under a Montessori sign*

    Join the members of our community as we gather weekly to hit each other with weapons, and to work on our projects. Whether you’re new, ancient, working on a masterpiece, or just looking to hang out, we invite you to come share in our fun.

    Garb is encouraged, but optional.

    Group gear is available for those wishing to participate in heavy and fencing combat, so don’t let your lack of fight-kit keep you away! Your own groin protection, though, is necessary for full-on fighting. If you do not have groin protection, drills and slow-work is still possible.

    Often, drinks/snacks after practice may occur, though such plans are spontaneously formalised and never guaranteed.

    First month free.
    $5 nightly
    $90 March-August or September-February
    $160 March-March
    $0 Youth (0-17 years)

    Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events.
    By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

  • Archery Practice

    Currently on most Thursdays (7pm) and Sundays (1pm).

    Indoor shooting occurs at Bowbusters Range in Vanscoy SK. Bowbusters has an annual membership fee, though non-members can shoot as guests 2 times as per Sask Archery insurance rules. Please see membership information at the bottom of this post.

    Weather permitting, shooting will sometimes be held at a local farm north of Saskatoon until it gets too cold. Please reach out to the Missile Deputy or our Facebook page for directions and/or carpool accessibility.

    Donations to the archery equipment fund are appreciated.
    We have loaner equipment you can borrow if you do not have a bow!

    Please make sure to watch our Facebook page for announcements regarding last minute changes. You can reach the Missile Deputy through: Click here for further information regarding practices.

Upcoming Classes and Arts & Science Activities:

  • Upcoming Classes

    There are currently no upcoming classes scheduled.

    The last classes were held at Summer Champs!

Monthly Business Meetings:

Normally the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm!
Everyone is invited to participate in the business of the barony!
Zoom link is provided via social media the day of the meeting.

There is no meeting in December. (Officers, please still submit your reports through the regular channels.)

Next meeting is Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

Location: Zoom Meeting link on our Facebook
Minutes of previous meetings available here.

Next Event:

  • Myrgan Wood Christmas Tavern
    Kick off the new year with a continuance of cheer! ~ Saturday, January 11th, 2025 ~ Noon-8pm ~ Emmanuel Baptist Church ~ 1636 Acadia Drive, Saskatoon ~~ Myrgan Wood celebrates the season with a pot luck, gift giving, and a visit from San-taka!!! Check out the official page for the most up to date information!
  • Skald the Hall
    Skald the Hall, happening Saturday, March 1st at the Sutherland Hall in Saskatoon. Check out the official event page for the most up to date information! This event includes Myrgan Wood’s Bardic Championship and Youth Championship. It features a feast and a tavern!


Click here for past Announcements

Baronial Facebook:

There will be NO ARCHERY PRACTICE on Thursday February 12th due to setup for Bowbusters' 3D shoot. We encourage you to check out Bowbusters on facebook for details on their event. We apologize for the late notice, and hope to see many of you next week! See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Barony of Myrgan Wood
Due to the snowy road conditions, there will be no archery practice today, Thursday, February 6th. We look forwards to seeing you next week for more archery. See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Barony of Myrgan Wood
Archery Practice – Thursday February 6th 2025 – CANCELLED DUE TO SNOWPlease meet up at Bow Busters Range in Vanscoy for shooting by 7:00pmVisitors can come 2 times before they should purchase a membership as per Sask Archery Association insurance policy.Contact Bowbusters directly for further information regarding membershipsNo equipment? No problem! Myrgan Wood is proud to have both left and right handed archery equipment available for archers without their own. Bring Water! There are single stall washrooms on-site. No gender neutral washroom on site, however, washrooms are single stall with full door. Range and washrooms both require stairs to access. See MoreSee Less
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Demonstrations and Other Activities:

The Barony of Myrgan Wood has hosted demonstrations in the past. We’ve presented at schools, conventions, and festivals in order to share our love of all things medieval.

Our last event was September 21st at the University of Saskatchewan.

There are currently no upcoming demos scheduled.

Please email the Chatelaine if you would like to discuss booking a demonstration at an upcoming medieval event.

Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions.
If you are subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied, contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.
Per the Society Seneschal July 17, 2017