Contact Us

New to the SCA?

Want to find out more about the SCA and Myrgan Wood? Wondering where/when practices are? Never heard of any of this and have questions?

The Chatelaine is the officer responsible for helping new people become involved in the SCA. They will help you with any questions you have, show you around and make sure you’re ready for your first event.


Demonstrations and Outreach

If you’re hold a medieval feast or event, and want Myrgan Wood to put on a display or exhibition as an attraction, then contact either the Chatelaine, or the Business Manager, the Seneschal.

We have run demos at Shakespeare On the Saskatchewan and the Comic Expo here in Saskatoon.

SCA Business, Officers and other inquiries

Do you have official business, issues or other inquiries? Please contact the Seneschal, or check our Officers and Champions page for the relevant office.

Website issues or suggestions? Please contact the Webminister for assistance.