Championships and Grand TUA

This event is Avacal’s premier showcase of talent and primary opportunity for learning! Their Majesties Ellias & Kiera will preside over the selection of Their Bardic and Arts & Sciences Champions. Their Excellencies Alexios & Amya are excited to again partner with the Museum of Antiquities at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon SK/Treaty 6 Territory/Traditional Homeland of the Metis, to host Grand TUA (The University of Avacal).

Saturday, April 27th, 2024

107 Administration Place, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK. S7N 5A2

Fees: $35 ($25 with member discount) – free for those under 18 years
Preregister Here!

Schedule Page

Stewards: Roxanne Delaroche & Kathryn inghean Ui Mhaonaigh

The Kingdom of Avacal Grand TUA webpage.

Facebook Event page

Volunteers are being sought for gate shifts! If you are a member able to volunteer between 8:00-3:00, please sign up here with your SCA and mundane name.

Registrations for 1-on-1 fighting/fencing coaching sessions AND for all classes will close Friday April 19th. You will be able to join some classes on the day but we are allowing our instructors to plan ahead. Please register before the deadline if you are able!


CLASS REGISTRATION (closed Friday, April 19th – registrations may still be available at gate.)
ONE ON ONE FIGHT REGISTRATION (closed Friday, April 19th – registrations may still be available at gate.)


FOOD: Please note that there is no planned feast during this event. There are restaurant options in the vicinity, though. The site is within a pleasant walking distance from a Dairy Queen, Subway, and Filosophi restaurant. Google map directions link.

If you’ve got your trusty motorized carriage, Preston Crossing is a 6 minute drive, which gives you access to Burger King, Starbucks, Olive Garden, Cora’s (breakfast only), McDonald’s (in Walmart), Fatburger, Press’d, Booster Juice, Happy Lamb Hot Pot, and Sobey’s grocery.
Google map directions link.