Myrgan Wood Summer Champions 2022

Myrgan Wood Summer Champions

hosted by the Barony of Myrgan Wood (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), in the Kingdom of Avacal

Event Starts: August 5th 2022
Event closes: August 7nd 2022
Location: Quad Site (near Marsden, Saskatchewan)
Google Maps:

Medical / Emergency service:
• 911 emergency dial
• Nearest hospital: Lloydminster Hospital 45 mins
• Ambulance service dispatch: Lloydminster
• RCMP stations: Maidstone SK/ Cutknife SK
• Cellular service is available to the Site

Event Emergency evacuation plan and procedure:
• 911 / cellphone service available
• Pump on site is closed and capped
• In the event 911 dispatches air rescue landing pad will be kept clear across from Troll both
• All roads will be kept clear for emergency vehicle access
• In the event of an evacuation level disaster people will proceed to the main muster point at the Castle Gates, or if unsafe the secondary muster point at Troll
• Evacuation routes and information will be provided depending on situation.
• Each camp is responsible for fire safety and must follow site and provincial regulations for any open flames or campfires


The event steward is: Warden Houjou Ayame (Lizzie Montgomery)