A New Practice Space!

We are very excited to be able to announce that Her Excellency Svava has found and booked an indoor site where we can gather to practise our martial and artistic skills.
Details about that can be found in the facebook announcement and elsewhere on this web site.
Crown Tournament coming up is creating lots of excitement and having the ability to shake off the dust beforehand is wise.

Are your vocal chords ready for Skald the Hall?! It’s coming up quickly on the first weekend of March.
Watch for details very soon regarding the Bardic Championship. Lots of time for games and socializing are planned as well as the ever fun Bard Off!

With hope in our hearts, we call for volunteers to steward this year’s Summer Event (to host the Rapier & Archery Championships) and Anniversary (to host the A&S and Armoured Championships).
Please get in contact with us, or with the seneschals if you are interested.

Raoul & Roxanne
Baron & Baroness